Affiliated to the Cadillac La Salle Club of America

Members who wish to add their vehicle to the club's database of cars for hire, should complete and submit the form below.
Please only complete if you wish to hire out your vehicle for weddings or film/photo shoots. For any other purposes you may need a private hire licence for you and also your vehicle.
I would like my registered Cadillac(s) to be considered for use by third parties with regard to hire for weddings, television and film work and like events.
I understand that name, telephone number and e-mail address may be given to third parties to facilitate this (address and other personal details will not be given without written authorisation from the member).
I understand that this is a free service and that the Cadillac Owners Club of GB or its officers and officials accept no responsibility in any way for the actions contracts, bookings or other dealings or arrangements made between myself and third parties.
I further understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that any use of my vehicle(s) for such purposes is legal and covered by appropriate insurance to cover loss, damage, and public liability and alike.
I also understand that the Cadillac Owners Club of GB is not recommending, acting on behalf of or condoning any third party and is purely enabling contact between myself and third parties who may wish to hire/use my vehicles(s) for such events.
I fully accept that it is my decision alone as to whether to allow or refuse a third party’s request to hire/use my vehicle(s).
If you have not already done so, please also send a photo of your car to Rod Bevan by clicking the SUBMIT PHOTO button and adding attachments.